What We Do

We provide Independent, impartial advice to all for no charge to clients as well as campaigning for change. Find out more about our projects here

What We Do

Help with your first Universal Credit claim

Help to Claim is a dedicated service from Citizens Advice to help with your first Universal Credit application.  It’s free, independent and confidential. Our trained advisers can help with things like how to gather evidence for your application or how to prepare for your work coach appointment from application to first payment. Get Help To Claim Universal Credit.

General advice

General advice

The service at the heart of our charity.

Our highly trained volunteers deliver face to face advice in our offices as well as advice over the phone on Adviceline.

The advice we give is free, independent and impartial and links in with a range of other projects so we can help with virtually any issue. Get help here.

Local Debt Advice

Local Debt Advice

The debt advice project employs a dedicated team of debt workers and administrators to help with a range of debt issues.  It is funded by the Money and Pensions Service offering advice and support across County Durham in our offices or on the phone. Get help here.

What We Do

Healthier and Wealthier

This telephone based advice service is funded by Durham County Council helping patients of GP’s surgeries in County Durham. It’s  primarily those with a long term health condition or mental health issue and helps them maximise their income and helps them claim disability benefits. Click here for more information.

What We Do

Advice in County Durham

This is an innovative project, led by us and Durham County Council.  It is made up of 130 agencies dedicated to working together to give better advice. We operate a training and development programmes for workers and agencies and hold regular networking events and conferences.   A secure online portal is used to ensure clients can be passed on to other agencies without having to tell their story many times.  The partnership believes there is “no wrong door” in the county when it comes to people seeking advice.

What We Do

Hate Crime Reporting Centre

We are a Hate Crime Reporting Centre.

If you’re attacked because of your disability, gender identity, race, religion or sexual orientation, this is a hate incident.

You have the right to be who you are.

We can help you report the hate incident or you can report it directly by clicking on the link below:





What We Do

Energy Advice

We have a specialist team of advisors who give energy advice.  This can range from funding available to energy saving top tips.  Our advisors can be contacted by completing our online form.


What We Do

Research and Campaigns (R&C)

R&C is a dual aim which means not only do we give advice on everyday issues, we identify trends and unfair practices and policies we see regularly and campaign for change to make a difference. For more information click here.

What We Do

Help Through Hardship

This is a project funded by Citizens Advice in partnership with Trussell Trust and MIND.  This project supports people who reach out for support by way of a food parcel.  It is understood that often when clients present for a food voucher, there may be additional underlying advice needs.  Therefore, the team deals with food vouchers and provides much needed advice to clients to support them moving forward.  This service won an award at Citizens Advice National Conference 2020.

What We Do

Council Tax Protocol

Working with Durham County Council and County Durham Outreach and Support a protocol was agreed as our public commitment to its principles of fairness partnership working and transparency in local authority debt collection.  Click here for more information.